
33EMYBW & Joey Holder (AV Live)

Immersive Multimedia-Installationen gespeist mit elektronischen Beats und Klanglandschaften mit traditionellen chinesischen Chören


Shanghai native producer and visual artist 33EMYBW has been an active member in the Chinese music scene for over a decade. Drawing inspirations from modern dance music, folk music and wide range of visual materials, she gradually refined a variety of mixed conceptual elements into a form that combines very personal rhythm and stunning experimental sound designs. Her 2018 album Golem, released on SVBKVLT, was met with critical acclaim and was voted one of the best electronic albums of 2018 by Bandcamp, as well as gaining support and praise from the likes of Kode9, Desto, Akito, 8ulentina and many more.

Following recent live sets at Nyege Nyege Festival, Uganda, and at the Aphex Twin curated opening of the 2019 Warehouse Project, Manchester, 33EMYBW's third album, entitled arthropods was released via SVBKVLT mid October. This album continues the topics of post-human and evolution that she explored before, and experiment with rhythms in a longer time scale. She premiered the release and her new live show at Unsound Festival, Krakow, followed by shows in London, Milan and Zurich in 2019. Important performance/venue that she played includes Haus der Kulturen der Welt (Berlin), SXSW (Austin), CTM (Berlin), Soft Centre (Sydney) and Recombinant (San Francisco).

On the other hand, 33EMYBW is also a core member of Shanghai’s most well known experimental rock/electronic band "Duck Fight Goose (YADAE)". In 2019, she started using materials from Dong Choir (traditional music from Gui Zhou province of China) to create unique music and sounds, which lead to the release of DONG2 under Merrie Records from Beijing.

Joey Holder is an artist whose work raises philosophical questions of our universe and things yet unknown, regarding the future of science, medicine, biology and human-machine interactions. Her artwork is a form of 'worlding' where she makes immersive, multimedia installations that explore the limits of the human and how we experience non-human, natural and technological forms. 

Programme Text

Every being in the world is a mutant, and every being is a hybrid: artist Joey Holder conveys this credo in immersive multimedia installations that channel the knowledge and imagery of medicine, nanotechnology, and human-machine interaction. For donaufestival, she has teamed up with the musician 33EMYBW from Shanghai, who blends electronic beats and soundscapes with traditional Chinese choirs and the utopias of a posthuman society that knows no borders in politics nor between humans and all other beings.

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